Get an app to open this windowsdefender link Solution

Windows 11 Get an app to open this windowsdefender link Solution, How to Fix You’ll need a new app to open this windowsdefender link in Windows 10?

Get an app to open this windowsdefender link Solution

After a Windows update or as a result of unknowingly tampering with some of the launchers, the problem of not opening Windows defender may occur. Although Windows Defender is on, when you want to open the settings, it may give the warning “Get an app to open this windowsdefender link Solution”, “You’ll need a new app to open this windowsdefender link”. In this case, defender remains active and provides protection, but you are having trouble accessing the defender settings. You can try the solution below to fix the problem.

Is the Security Center Service Working?

In order for Windows Defender to work, the “Security Center” Service must be turned on automatically and running in the background. To set the service to default:

  1. Copy the code below and paste it into a Notepad.

  1. Save it somewhere with the name “Security Center.reg” (or name it as you wish). Make sure the ending is .reg
  2. Finally, open the file you created by double-clicking it. Say “Yes” and “OK” to the warnings, respectively.
  3. Finally, don’t forget to restart your computer!

Fix: Get an app to open this windowsdefender link

  1. Press The Win+R Windows + R Key keys together on your keyboard. The Run window will open. Type “PowerShell” in the Open field and press the OK Button.
  2. Or you can follow the path to C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0″, right click the “powershell.exe” program and run it as administrator.


  1. Now we need to run PowerShell with administrative rights, so we enter the command “Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs” and run PowerShell as administrator.

Fix: You'll need a new app to open this windowsdefender

  1. Now we will enter the command to fix Windows Defender in the PowerShell window that we opened with Administrator rights. To do this, copy the code below and Right click and paste in an empty area in the PowerShell window, and finally press the “ENTER” key and execute the command.

Fix: You'll need a new app to open this windowsdefender

This command will reset Windows Defender settings. After this command, you can test whether the issue is resolved or not. If the code didn’t run and the red lines appear, make sure you’re running PowerShell as administrator. If the problem persists, you can try Windows Repair

If the problem persists, try the following commands with Powershell.

Uninstall Windows Defender completely

If Windows Defender does not open despite all your efforts but continues to cause problems, you can completely remove it from the system. This way it won’t be a problem for you. Now let’s see how to uninstall Windows Defender:

WARNING: Windows Defender uninstallation is irreversible. If you uninstall Windows Defender, you can never bring it back. However, you can make it obsolete by reinstalling Windows.

CONCLUSION: The script has been personally tested. There was no damage to the computer. It has successfully eliminated the troublesome Defender from the system. You can complete your security shortcomings by using a different Antivirus software. Best Free Antivirus Programs

  1. To uninstall Windows Defender, we will use an open source script published on GitHub. Download the Windows Defender Remover Script from here to your computer. (You will download the DefenderRemover.exe file under the Assets heading) Also, if there is an Antivirus on your computer, disable it. It can be seen as a virus because it interferes with Defender.
  2. Right-click the DefenderRemover.exe file you downloaded and run it as Administrator. In the black window that opens, press the letter “Y” on the keyboard and start the process with the “ENTER” key.

How to Completely Uninstall Windows Defender?

  1. The script will completely remove Windows defender from your computer and restart the computer.
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6 months ago

So…uninstalling windows defender – instructions say to disable antivirus to prevent the file download from being blocked….only the entire point of this exercise is to remove windows defender because it *won’t* open or allow changes, so it *cannot* be disabled, and therefore, the file can’t be downloaded.

Is there a workaround for this?