Fix Far Cry 3 Crashes, Far Cry 3 Shutdown Problem

Fix Far Cry 3 Crashes, Far Cry 3 Shutdown Problem, Far Cry 3 crashes on Windows 10 after 15 minutes of gameplay. Far Cry Freezes or Crashes to Desktop. How do I fix crashing in Far Cry 3 with Windows 10?

Fix Far Cry 3 Crashes

Developed by Ubisoft, Far Cry series games have become a very popular series by game lovers. In this series, we can say that Far Cr 3 game has become a legend. When the game was released on November 29, 2012, Windows 7 was the operating system. However, today, users who want to run the game on Windows 11 and Windows 10 are experiencing problems with closing and crashing in the game. We have prepared a guide for you to minimize these crashes and shutdowns.

Step 1: Turn Off Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service

This service can cause crashes in games. If you do not have a touchscreen computer, it would be better to turn this service off.

  1. To do this, copy the code below and paste it into a Notepad.
  2. Save it somewhere with the name “Turn Off Touch Service.reg”. Make sure it ends in .reg.
  3. Finally, double-click the file you created to open it. Say “Yes” and “OK” to the warnings that appear, respectively.
  4. Finally Restart the Computer.

Step 2: Set the Game to Work with Direct3D 11

  1. Press the Windows + R Keykeys on the keyboard bitwise. Type “%userprofile%\Documents\My Games\Far Cry 3” in the window that opens and press ENTER. Or go to “C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\My Games\Far Cry 3”.
  2. Right click the “GamerProfile.xml” file located in “C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\My Games\Far Cry 3” and click “Edit”, or open it with Notepad.
  3. Change UseD3D11=”0″ to UseD3D11=”1″ and save the file.

Step 3: Open game with the “farcry3_d3d11.exe” file

  1. Go to where the game is installed, open the “bin” folder here.
  2. Here Right-click the “farcry3_d3d11.exe” File and click “Send to > Desktop (create shortcut)”.
  3. Now open the game with this shortcut you throw on the desktop.

By doing this, you will have minimized the crashes in Far Cry 3.

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