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Android Wifi Connected No Internet Problem Solution, Phone connects to Wifi but no internet access. Connected no internet, Connected no internet Xiaomi

Android Wifi Connected No Internet Problem

Most of the time Android phone users may have problems connecting to Wifi or the phone is not connecting to wifi at all. This can become very annoying. This problem can have two origins. First, the problem may be caused by your modem. In the second case, a problem with the phone can cause this situation.

A relative of mine contacted me with the problem of No Wifi Connected Internet. While everyone is connecting to the Wifi of the bus while traveling on the bus, I can’t connect, I connect but there is no internet, he contacted me. We called the solution to this problem on the phone and we solved it. Well, let’s see how you can solve a similar situation together.

Reset Wi-Fi, Mobile networks and Bluetooth

Android phones have a reset option to resolve connection issues. Wi-Fi, Mobile networks and Bluetooth are interconnected. You can fix your connection problems by resetting these settings. Follow the instructions below to reset.

  1. First, go to the “Settings” of your phone.
  2. Then find and tap “Link & share”.
  3. Then go to “Reset Wi-Fi, mobile networks, and Bluetooth” option.

Android Wifi Connected No Internet Problem Solution

  1. Then tap the “Reset settings” button at the bottom.
  2. The pop-up “Reset?” Start the reset process by saying “OK” to the warning window.

Android Wifi Connected No Internet Problem Solution

  1. Finally, restart the phone and check your connection status.

Modem Related Wifi Problems

First, we need to find out if the problem is caused by the modem. If there is, connect to your close or neighbor’s Wifi network, if it is connected and there is no problem, the problem is caused by the modem. However, if it does not connect to another Wifi network, we will look for the problem on the phone.

First turn off and on your Modem and try to login to Wifi again. If not there is encryption type in Modem Wifi settings, we have to try this TKIP or AES in order. If that doesn’t work, reset your modem. If you reset your modem, you will need to set up the modem again with your username and password. If you do not know about this, you may need to get support.

Reset and format the phone

If your phone is still having problems and you are still experiencing connection problems, you can try to factory reset your phone as a last resort. Do not forget to backup all your data before doing these operations. Because all data will be deleted. We have some guides on how to reset your phone, you can use these guides. Remember! These resets only work on original phones. If you reset the tampered devices, you will experience network problems.

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