Fix Windows 0x00000124 Blue Screen Error Solutions

Fix Windows 0x00000124 Blue Screen Error Solutions. How to fix Windows 7 Stop: 0x00000124 Error? Solved: Stop: 0x00000124 Blue Screen Error

Fix Windows 0x00000124 Blue Screen Error Solutions

As computers get old, just like old cars, every day they can be broken down. However, sometimes such errors can occur in new computers. These errors can be caused by software as well as hardware. In this case it is very difficult to say that this is the cause of the error. Therefore, the mentioned cases should be reviewed one by one and problematic hardware or software should be detected and replaced with a new one.

When we receive these errors, the hard disk comes to mind. However, most of the time, operating system crashes, CPU, ram and bios can be caused by such reasons. As we said, a lot of checks are needed to find out exactly where this Windows 0x00000124 Blue Screen Error is coming from. Follow the steps below to find the source of the problem.

Check your Bios settings

If you have tampered with the bios settings, you can check the status by resetting it to the default settings. Bios Input Keys may be different on each device. You can reset it to Default by entering the Bios menu at startup.

Corruption in system files

One of the most common causes of this problem can be a problem with the system files. A corruption in the system files can cause Windows to crash suddenly and not work properly. However, this problem is often caused by corruptions in the hard disk. However, instead of replacing the hard drive, the first attempt is to format.

Hard Disk Errors

We can say that 70% of blue screen errors are caused by hard drives. Hard drives are very sensitive equipment. It is very sensitive to falls and jolts. No matter how hard you keep your hard drive, you may experience spontaneous corruption or corruption in the sectors where we call the Bad sector. In this case, no matter how many formats you assign the operating system will crash, it will still be corrupted. In this case, the only solution you can do for the security of your data is to buy a new disk.

Hard Disk Scan, How to Fix Hard Disk Errors

Check your RAM Memory

RAM An error in memory or a problem with slots in which RAM memory is inserted may also cause these errors. If you have more than one memory installed on your computer, remove one and try it. or try to install Ram in a different slot.

If you have added new hardware to your system

If you have added or upgraded new hardware to your current system, the added hardware may not be compatible with your motherboard, for example if you added a new Ram. Some Ram s AMD and others can only work on Intel systems. You should also review this situation.

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